How to stop posting on your Facebook profile?

Stop posting on your Facebook profile

In this article, we will show you how to stop people from posting on your Facebook profile or timeline. This is very helpful in many ways. Suppose you shared something on Facebook that was very important to your friend. He did not save your post and wanted to see it the other day. He browsed your Facebook profile and kept scrolling and scrolling but did not find anything except the birthday wishes posted by five hundred friends of yours on your Facebook profile.

Some other friend of yours has opened a YouTube channel and posts every video he uploads to YouTube on your timeline as well. This also becomes very disgusting and has happened to about every Facebook user who has not blocked posting on his timeline. Are you ready now to stop these postings? The wait is over; let’s start.

On your PC, here is how to stop posting on your Facebook profile:

  1. Log in to your Facebook account.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the right corner.
  3. Select “Settings and Privacy.”
  4. Now click on “Settings” first and then “Privacy.”
  5. Choose “Profile and tagging” from the Privacy tab.
  6. In “Who can post on your profile?” select “Only me.”
  7. Click on “Done.”

On your Android phone, follow these simple steps to get rid of posting on your timeline;

  1. Log in to your Facebook account.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the right corner.
  3. Click the gear icon to access the settings
  4. Select “Profile Settings” now.
  5. Choose “Profile and tagging.”
  6. Under view and sharing, tap “Who can post on your profile?”
  7. Select “Only me.”

This is how to stop someone from posting on your Facebook profile. You will now be able to achieve it very easily. Anyhow, if you have any difficulty, feel free to ask in the comment section.


How do I block posts on Facebook without unfriending them?

This is exactly what you learned in this article, you are now able to stop posting on your Facebook profile without unfriending.

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Staff at Putanyquestion
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