Resize an image in Photoshop
To resize an image in Photoshop, follow the following steps:
- Load the image in Photoshop. Press Ctrl+O to load the image.
- Click on “image” from the menu bar.
- Select “Image Size”.
A new screen will be opened where the dimension of the image in pixels and inches is mentioned.
- Type your desired image size and press “Enter” or click on “OK”.
- Under “Document size”, select “inches” as a unit of measurement.
- Input the “width” and “height” according to your needs.
Note: To preserve the proportionality of width and height, have a check-in “constrain proportions”. Also, if you want to keep your original image, save the new one with a different name using “Save as” and don’t press Ctrl +S; otherwise, you will lose your original image.